Welcome to Becalm Women's Well-being Therapies

Hello my name is Melanie Thompson and I am a Womens Well-Being Therapist. I am fully qualified and insured to practice a variety of touch therapies including:  Massage, NO HANDS® Massage, Aromatherapy, Indian Head Massage, Clinical Reflexology, Chair Massage, Trauma Discharge Massage and ReikiI also now offer talking therapies using Transactional Analysis Coaching, Quantum Healing Meditations, Life Script Coaching using a Fairytale Process, and Psychotactile Psychotherapy.


Be Calm Well-Being is a Holistic Womens Well-Being practice in New Mill, Holmfirth which is in the heart of the Holme Valley.  


Welcome to my website, I hope you can find everything you need to know (and get in touch if you require more information), and I look forward to being of help. Please use the contact page if you would like to book an appointment, have any queries or would like to be included on my special offers list.









Be Calm Therapies and Melanie Thompson DO NOT claim to cure or to diagnose any medical condition. The information provided on the Website, express or implied, is for the purposes of information only and is NOT given as professional medical advice, a means of diagnosis or treatment, nor is it intended to be a substitute thereof.
If you have a health problem, medical emergency, or a general health question, Be Calm Therapies always recommend you should consult your doctor. The products and or services provided by Be Calm Therapies are not intended to treat, cure or diagnose any medical conditions.
It is against the advice of Be Calm Therapies to discontinue any medical treatment or advice currently being administered by qualified Medical Practitioners.